The process of working on the logo of the children’s shop “Tutupki”

Interesting name for a children’s clothing shop — Tutupki! Isn’t it? :-) I was surprised too, but as it turned out, the name has a history. The shop belongs to a married couple. The eldest daughter named her twin sisters Tutupki for the characteristic shape of their spouts when she saw them for the first time. When choosing a name for the shop, the owners decided to settle on this funny word.
The concept for the logo was determined at once — it should be three girls or some funny animals. The characters will also be printed on clothes, so they should be bright and detailed to please both children and their parents.
I got the idea to put the famous three monkeys “hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing” in the image of the girls. Only in our case, three girls do everything exactly the opposite — look carefully, hear everything and shout loudly. After all, babies do not like to sit quietly in place :-)
Thinking about animals, came up with the idea of a three-headed dragon that likes to shop. I started sketching.

For clarity, I drew both versions and showed them to the client.

The client decided on the girls. I started to finalise it, having drawn another version of the girls, more mature.

But I liked the first girls more.
I added clothes and decorated the letters.

I showed the finalised version and wrote the inscription in Russian.
The rules and recommendations for using the logo are collected in the guidelines: