On editorial design
and behind-the-scenes of my work

Hobby & Profi logo. See the elephant!

Today I’m going to tell you about a fun logo for the Hobby & Profi shop.

The shop sells goods for baking and candy bars. The main wish of its owners was that the logo should be stylish and associated with quality and fashionable baking supplies.

Having discussed the details, I started working with sketches of ideas.

Some of the ideas

Then I selected the most successful variants in my opinion and digitised them.

The variants I showed to the client

I show all ideas only in black and white, as colour is often confusing. And even a very successful variant can be rejected because the client didn’t like the chosen colour.

So, the owners of Hobby & Profi really liked both options, but there was a big “BUT”. In the course of discussions, it became clear that in the future the shop would be expanded. As a result, it will become a market not only for confectioners but also for any kind of creativity and handmade goods.

Having considered the new information, I went on with my work and started new sketches.

This is how three more ideas came about.

One of the previous variants I reworked and, imagined a shop with all kinds of goods, made it in the form of a kibitka.

In another variant, I decided to combine different kinds of creativity, which resulted in a logo in the form of an emblem.

And the third option is my favourite. I was looking for an image that would reveal the phrase “made with my own hands”. I twisted and turned my hands until I saw that the silhouette of a hand in the sign “Cool!” resembled an elephant.

Thus was born an elephant made by hands

The client really liked the new options but loved the elephant the most, as I expected. It was love at first sight :-)

Now that I had the basic idea, I finalised the graphic and font part of the logo and selected colours for it.

I decided to colour the elephant by the method of elimination. First of all, I removed shades of grey, blue and pink, as these are the most popular colours for painted elephants. Then I excluded shades of green and violet — the elephant looked painful. Also, red colours made our elephant aggressive.

As a result, I stopped at sunny yellow — it made the elephant cheerful and positive. For contrast, I chose a muted blue with a turquoise shade for the font part.

Now the Hobby & Profi shop has a great logo and its cheerful elephant.

The rules and guidelines for the logo are collected in a guideline:


A pattern was also developed that changes with the seasons:

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