Tag: Maria Berezhnaya

In 2015, I designed the logo and identity for Maria. After five years, we decided it was time to update the logo.

Maria decided to update her business cards and wanted to add some gold to them. I suggested painting the sides of the business cards gold and highlighting some parts of the ornament

Two years have passed since the launch of Maria Berezhnaya’s website. Now I look at the old site and realise that I made a big mistake back then — I “stuck” a lot of unnecessary things because “the client wanted it that way”. In addition, at that time I handed over the site without content, and it was assumed that Maria herself would be engaged in filling — this was the second big mistake. For two years the site had not been updated at all, and some of the sections were hanging dead weight.

Make a portfolio website for stylist-image-maker Maria Berezhnaya. To tell what Maria does and to whom she can be useful. Provide for the possibility of publishing thematic articles on the site.