Event posters of Rave People promotional group
The process of logo design for Rave People promotional group
I had previously made a logo for the Rave People promotional group. They also needed posters for a series of events. The posters are published on the website, tickets and social media pages.
The posters should be in the same style but different simultaneously. I decided to emphasise a specific figure but modify it for each new poster. Penrose’s triangle came to mind, and besides it, there are many other impossible figures, which gives room for variation.

Check out the JOOF Mantra logo design process, it’s interesting there
The first event was dedicated to the artists of the JOOF label, so to maintain the image, I borrowed one of the characters from the covers of the label’s releases.

Other posters followed:

This is how the posters look on the website raveppl.ru:

And then, the pandemic started, and the events were suspended. Hopefully, Rave People will be back with the opening of the club season :-)